Thursday, June 19, 2008

June 18, 2008 –Entry No. 2- …God is good!

Today was pretty chill… I failed to get up early (and yes I was trying to) but I blame that I have no clock in my room and my alarm on my ipod failed to wake me up. So it was around 10 when I got up UP and took a shower and got ready. But when I got to the family room my Tia Venus was already cooking lunch so I decided to do my Bible study so I did that until Lunch! :D YUM! We had creamed potatoes, fried chicken and Peruvian rice… with CHICHA MORADA!!!! (chicha morada- a drink made from purple corn) I <3 Peruvian Food!!! :D haha But after lunch I got on the inernet for a bit to update some blogs and what not but then my Tio Paco came over to talk to my dad, then all three of us went to the center of Chiclayo because my dad and I needed to change some money, get my picture for my DNI (Peruvian ID card)/ passport, and some toiletries. So I got to show my white face in public! YAY! Haha My DNI picture is HORRIBLE, my family and dad told me that Peruvians arent supposed to smile.. so i´m straight mean-muggin it! Haha But yeah.. I got that done.. and then my dad and I went to the supermarket to get the things that we needed but on the way there a guy tried to pick pocket me…luckily i´m not as stupid as I look because I didn’t have my money in the places where he tried to go. But we got all of the stuff that we needed at the supermarket for like 30 bucks.. which is SUPER GOOD!
When we got home, the whole family was all here…again and we sat, chatted and watched the soccer game that was on tv together…that was until my dad brought out all of the guitars he found around the house. So we played for a bit, after everyone left of course, but after we played for a bit my cousin Verjilio started looking at my dads book.
Ok this book that I speak of is of the human body…its basically like a biology book.. that my dad bought at Lowes (yes, you read right… Lowes.) But the whole book is in English, and Verji is vey smart, so he could comprehend the text but couldn’t speak it, so I found this to be my sign from God that I was supposed to help him. We only worked on one sentence, but I could tell that he was super happy. When we ended the “lesson” he smiled at me and told me that he was greatful that I helped him and that Dad brought this book. That my friends is a wonderful sign from God. He is Good and he has a wonderful plan for me…and YOU! :D
Until Next Time
<3 Glenda