Sunday, December 30, 2007


So this is a get to know me Blog... *YAY*

I'm a freshmen at Indiana Wesleyan Univeristy (I'm starting my second semster!!!) and I absolutely love it here. My friends are amazing, my suitemates, though very loud at times, are so sweet, my roomie Anna is a gem, I love her to death. Just everything here is right for me...I just need to work on the classes ;) But my major is Spanish and Intercultural Studies with a Minor in Media Communications, I plan on being a missionary to a 3rd world country to spread God's word to those who need to hear it. 

You're probably wondering about the whole Peruvian thing.. like is it a kind of dessert? I'm Peruvian, and proud of it (My dad is from the country of Peru, while my mother is from Washington) but it's pretty much awesome, be jealous because I get LEMOS SALTADO! (peruvian dish>>my FAV) But while I do have family in the states, most of my Dad's family is in Peru still. *NOTE ANOTHER REASON TO BE JEALOUS I've had a passport since I was 4! But I honestly love being don't call Mexican.. *geesh haha

My mom is a workaholic. Since I was a kid, I remember her just working, so I have a bunch of memories with my dad and my grandma in Washington. Both of my parents work hard don't get me wrong. My mom has worked at colleges almost her whole life, so she's pretty much into that whole scene, but I don't mind...I got free tuition from  My dad has been a victim of racism. When I was a kid, he went to college, and then worked at the Mariott hotel as a dish-cleaner person, and one of his profs told him that he wasn't going to be anything more than that. Well, now my dad is a guitar instructor, so that prof was wrong. 

When I was 7, I moved to Marion, the time it seemed like it sucked, but I can see now, that this is what God wanted because I love it here! But In Washington, we lived across from the mayor, mostly an all white community, nice big homes, nice neighborhood. Then the U-Haul took me to South Marion, mostly made up of people living in poverty or close to it, little homes, and I live across the ally from a drug dealer. Talk about your change in pace. In Washington, I was basically the minority out there, but when I went to elementary school, there were all sorts of kids, in every shape, color, and home. An to this day, those kids that I went to school with in 3&4th grade are some of my best friends. 

But then Middle School started, where I was intertwined with even more kids, and even MORE friends! I started liking rap, and hip-hop because that's what I was surrounded with, so I wasn't complaining. Now in M.S. I was a pretty good kid, I didn't curse or anything else.. I was kind of just there. That's also when I started playing volleyball >> the love of my life. High School came around and that was worse, 3 middle schools going into 1 high school...that wasn't awkward at all. But in high school, I started out a really good Christian, on fire for God, doing well in my studies, I was always nice, and I don't know.. it was just a really good kid. The years past, and I just got worse, I didn't understand anything, so I just chilled with my friends, and by the end of my senior year I did things that would make my Grandma ashamed of me. I cursed like a sailor, I did certain things that I'm not proud of and I wasn't very nice to people. But at that point I was just concerned about being popular, and being with my "friends". Let me tell ya, high school was a test, a test at least for me. It told me that I need to be straight with God before I do anything else, I hated that feeling of feeling empty, of feeling alone. 

We're up to last semester now :) don't worry it's almost over. I live with my Roomie, and 6 other girls (*yeah tell me about it, 8 girls 1 bathroom... NOT PRETTY!!!!!) but see these girls are all white, besides me and my roomie, these girls have gone to school with like 8-12 minorities in their high schools. THAT WAS SO FRIGGIN WEIRD, let me tell ya... I have like 7 black people in my back yard every other day...haha But with the music that I listen to, the way I talked, my jokes all of these were torn apart by these girls, I don't think that they meant to, but they did. I mean the comment of "Glenda, stop talking black, you're not black..*snicker snicker*" To which I replied, how do I talk black, I didn't know that you can talk a color...? I went to a school where about 60% was African American to a college where there's about 6%. It's just weird, and it's hard to understand girls I know, but when you're getting to know someone you don't say that, its just rude. But my first semester of college was hard yes, but it's so much fun, I love all of my friends that I met, and all the ones that I had before.. simply amazing...
To think that I'm going to school with people that are going to be the leaders of tomorrow... it honestly baffles me. God works in so many mysteriously AWESOME ways!
ok... well that's it for now.. :)