Have you ever felt yourself questioning not only everything in your life, but in your friend's as well? I've found myself, not second guessing, but looking at things in my life from a very different perspective. God has blessed me with so many things in my life (a diversified home, diversified life, wonderful friends, an amazing family, an education, and the knowledge of him the Lord our God.) But since coming to IWU, I've found more and more things that I can look at.
*Rude Comments
*Eating Habits
*Study Habits
Gossiping:I have a HUGE problem with gossiping. That's just what I did in high school, middle school etc. I talked about other people to get over the fact that I am jealous of what they had, then I found out the people were gossiping about me, and that just made me mad. I am/was so hypocritical when it came down to that. I could dish it out, but couldn't take it.
Rude/Inappropriate Comments: Yes, they are funny, and yes I do make them. It's amazing how one phrase can make people so mad. I mean "That's what she said..."? Even though it is funny, I found myself saying it, and I saw my friend's eyes look at me like she just lost a little respect from me.
Eating Habits: I am not anorexic nor bulimic. I am pleasantly plump, and I'm proud of it. I think that one thing that is important especially in college is to find your own ground. We're not on our own necessarily, but we're close to it. Momma and Poppa can't make us food every night, they can't buy our groceries, they are not here to baby us. So if we gain lbs. then it's our fault for being lazy, I haven't gained weight, I've lost it, but I'm trying harder and harder to get to the gym in my dorm.
Study Habits: ^^ see eating habits. We are responsible for our own grades. We PAID this much money to be challenged...and yes there are some profs that are HORRIBLE..but there are some that make everything interesting and/or challenging. DO YOUR WORK!
Relationships: As a freshmen, NSO weekend was AWESOME.. but I find it hilarious how so many people can try to find their "one true love" during their first year on campus. I will admit that I get lonely at times, where I see other people holding hands, kissing and hugging and I wish that I could have that, but I know that God has a reason for everything and that he will send me the man that is the perfect fit in my puzzle called life. One thing that I find hilarious are people who search for their future spouse, LET GOD DO THE WORK! One thing that I also think is interesting is how most of the people that I hang out with, don't have a physical desire to be with each other, which I love.
See if I would have started this blog in high school, you wouldn't find that many things on here. God gave me a chance to understand more about not only life, but about the people around me.