Wednesday, June 18, 2008

June 15, 2008 -FATHERS DAY-

I slept so well today that its not even funny! I honestly tghink that any bed is better than my bed at home. lol Well I got up today around 9 and had a breakfast with the Tios and my dad. We of course had bread and hot chocolate/coffee and then they brought out my enemy...freshly squeezed guava juice. I saythat its my enemy because i love guavas.. but the texture makes me gag :( but i can say that I successfully downed that sucker without pulling an Exorcist. But I then got reay for church I was going to wear a skirt but my Aunt thought that I would die from a cold in 70 degree weather! hahaha so I ended up wearing my khaki pants and blue it looked like I was going to work. But we got a taxi and went to church. The church was really nice, the nicest kind of wesleyan church that ive seen down here :) But when we got to a pew and sat it was already time to start snging.. and yall I thought that it was so cool! This curch is a wesleyan church in Peru, but I felt like I was in a Black Baptist Church for the worship! But anywho the church service was all about Fathers and family, so towards the end they gave all of the fathers a gift and the babies, kds and teens put on a show for them...which was hilarious. But after the service ended we greeted all of the other chrch members...and when I said '' all '' I mean ALL OF THEM! But tia introduced me to all of them as my father's daughter and they gasped, looked up at me (yeah... my conclusion for the day is that I'm very white and very tall.. I'm like a friggin seven foot albino to them! haha), talked to me for a bit tring to get to know me a story about my dad back in the day, then asked me why he was so fat, then kissed me goodbye and walked over to my dad. Yeah.. my dad had his own little fan club that was circled around him by the end of the hour. But we came back hre and had lunh hich was a weird spagheti soup with chicken in it and chicken and rice... guess which one I ate? haha no but the mediction for my ADHD makes me feel full.. really full all of the time so it was interesting to explain to the family membrs that i just met!
But that was pretty much it, after that I just chilled, I finally got on the internet and posted some updates telling everyone how I was :D My day was completed when I fount that out.. because after posting things on facebook and myspace and whatnot... it was around 10. And now Im going to bed!
Until next time...
<3 Glenda


Jewel said...

Gwendy, you are cracking me up with this guava and exorcist stuff. I'm glad you're having a great time! It would be so awesome to finally meet all these people that your papa has prolly told you so much about. Keep the updates coming!! Sounds amazing!

Glenda said...

i´m gload that i could entertain you jewelie pooh! next time..youre coming down with me!!!!